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Just B

and REALize the value You bring to our world

It's All About You!

You are here for a reason. You have gifts and talents and strengths that nobody else in the world has.. although you've probably forgotten or have given up on most of them.


But that's about to change. How do I know that? Because you wouldn't be here otherwise.

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Hello and Welcome!

I'm Leah Juarez, and I'm so glad you found your way here! I can't wait to hear more about how and why you did! Perhaps you're looking for ways to make changes or decisions that can lead to more prosperity and fulfillment in your personal or professional life. Maybe you're hoping to set some goals or uncover some big dreams or visions for yourself or your business, and could use a little guidance to get started. Or maybe you're feeling disconnected, or a bit "off" and want to rebalance. Regardless of the reason, I know that by working together, we can co-create a plan or roadmap to get you where you want to go.


I have found in my own life that by connecting with the Natural World, and all the wonders it holds, I am provided with powerful tools, inspiration, energy and answers to big "How To" questions.  I would love to share some ways you can do the same.




Personal & Professional Life Coaching

I'm excited to meet you! Below are some ways for us to spend time together, and co-create some wonderful days ahead in your life   

Discovery Call

Working Cafe

Free 1-Hour Consultation

The Discovery Call is a great starting point and way for us to get to know each other. During this free consultation, we will work through an exercise to help "balance your wheel" and provide a snapshot of different areas of your life that you may want to focus on. It will also give us a chance to see if we are a good fit for each other! 

30 Day Riverwalk

Crossing the River

One Month Coaching Program

The Riverwalk is a one-month, customized program, in which you will learn things like how to identify distractions or other things that aren't serving you, so you can then, "give it to the River" to clear space in your life for more things that do. This program includes 4 one-on-one calls with Leah, as well as weekly emails and texts with tools and exercises to work on every day. 

Equesse Empowerment


Horsepower For Your Soul

This unique and exclusive one-month program shows you how to use the gift of Equesse - the powerful connection that we have with horses - and use it to empower yourself. Horses, and other animals, can teach us powerful life lessons in many different ways. All we have to do is learn how to listen and understand them. The Equesse Empowerment program shows you how.

Success Stories

"Leah has helped me navigate and think through some important life decisions in both my career and personal life"

~D.G., Music Producer, USA

Contact me to start working together right away

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